Sunday, September 30, 2012

8 months

On September 19, 2012, our boy Tucker turned 8 months.  He accomplish quite a bit in the month leading up to this.  Here is what I want him to know.  

- You wear size 9 month clothes, size 3 diapers, and weigh 20 pounds.  We call you our little sack of potatoes since you are so heavy to pick up. ;)  You also have 6 teeth with the 7th cutting through. 

- We also call you Curious George since you are checking out everything! 

-You moved into a rear facing big boy car seat.  It took Daddy quite some time to get these things installed into the cars! 

- You are becoming a super fast crawler.  Most of the time you do this awkward crawl where your left leg is straight and you use it to push yourself along. 

- You are attempting to pull up on things and sometimes you succeed but your legs are still pretty shaky. 

 - You absolutely love your elephant ball blowing toy, although the basketball hoop and blocks are still favorites as well. 

- You have also discovered the joys of random things around the house.  The spring-like doorstop, dog bowl, front door, and washer/dryer are apparently really interesting. ;) 

- You love to eat.  This month your favorites are cut up bananas, sweet potato puffs, and greek yogurt. We still make  all of  your food although we do give you organic pouches if we are out to eat or at the coast since frozen cubes don't travel very well. 

- You are pretty well-behaved at restaurants as long as you get something to snack on too. 

- You still love helping Mommy with chores.  Yay!  :) 

- You learned how to play hide and seek.  When we hide under a blanket, you lift it up and laugh uncontrollably when you see us underneath.  Then you hide us and do it again. 

- You went to the beach again and enjoyed it as usual.  You kept putting the sand in your mouth, but it didn't seem to bother you. ;) 

- You also got a chance to go swimming at both of your great grandparent's houses. 

- Overall you are a very happy guy who loves to jibber jabber, laugh, and play! We love you little buddy! :) 

7 months

Our little guy turned 7 months on August 19, 2012.  (Yes I realize that was almost 2 months ago ;)  I'm catching up tonight) Here are a few things I want Tucker to know about the month leading up to August 19th.

- You don't sit still.  Now that sitting, rolling, wiggling,  CRAWLING, and so on are part of your daily routine, it is impossible to keep you in one place.  You are also very interested in the world around you so it is hard to "pose" you for pictures as your 7 month chair shoot clearly shows. ;) 

- You wear 9 month clothes, size 3 diapers and are about 18-19 pounds. 

- You are very happy most of the time and easily entertained.

- You try and put everything in your mouth! Even the chair lock when I moved the photo shoot location to the ground so daddy wouldn't have to catch you when you crawled off the chair for the 35th time. ;)  

- You are attempting to pull up on things, including Buck the stuffed dear.  You are not quite strong enough yet, but that will come soon enough.  

- You went to the coast with your cousins.  You adore older kids, especially ones who play with you. 

- You absolutely love the water.  Beach, pool, tub, it doesn't matter to you as long as you can splash!


- You got to check out daddy's fish.  Naturally you tried to pull it into your mouth. Gross. 

- You celebrated Big Bubba's birthday with him. 

 - Your favorite toys are kirby, your basketball hoop…

blocks, especially knocking them down...

the rhyming light up book...


the tool bench toy...

and shoelaces!


- You love to eat and really enjoy feeding yourself baby Mum Mums and puffs. 

- You helped put away school supplies in her new classroom and were very entertained by the tissue boxes and Chester the raccoon puppet!


- You still love your bath and giggle when water flows on you.  

- You are the best laundry helper ever! Please always enjoy helping mommy with chores this much!

- You can't get enough time in the pool. :) 


- Oh, and like I said, you started CRAWLING!!! You crawled across the living room on the 17th of August, two days before you turned 7 months. :)