Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Jumping In

To blog or not to blog, tis the question the past few months.  I am a total blog follower, I have a few I follow pretty religiously and I am often inspired by what people post.   Lately, I keep up with my friends and extended family through Facebook and an occasional phone call rather than weekends at the lake, lunch dates, or nights out.  I wish that was not the way it is, but with full time jobs, families, and the craziness of life in general, if it means I get to know what is going on the lives of people I cherish, I’ll take it. 

Sometimes I roll my eyes at the “bragging blogs”, but I do get it.  The internet is THE place to show off your best qualities, not your worst, check out your friends recent Facebook posts for the proof in that.  “Got a new car, going on vacation in Hawaii, new this, best that, blah blah".   I too admit that I have done just that, but I also think that so much healing and growth can take place when one simply opens themselves up raw and true, shares REAL life, the good, the bad, and the ugly, and simply writes from the soul.  That is my goal with this blog, to share true life, the ups, the down, the happy, the sad, and the simple God given beautiful moments in life.  This a place to be open and true, not a place to judge and be judged so if you are going to be one of those saying “There she goes talking about.... again, then don’t read, but if you want to see the beautiful life God granted me through my eyes, enjoy.  Hopefully the healing it brings to me inspires you to become the person God made you to be rather than the perfect person the world expects.  

I leave you with a picture from our anniversary trip to Arkansas.  This was the most beautiful calm I have felt in a while. :) 

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