Monday, October 24, 2011

A week's worth of Pinterest - Day 1

I have been a very, very bad blogger…  
This could be attributed to things like being super busy/inspired to do new fun stuff in my classroom, scary seisures in Sako dog, lots of recent extended family gatherings for a variety of reasons, and weekend events like weddings and football games, on and on and on. Oh, and dealing with some dizziness, exhaustion, and back aches from growing a baby might be playing a role too… 

Anywho, let's not dwell on the past but rather talk about my new fun plan/ motivation to get back in the blogging grove!  

I am seriously addicted to pinterest.  It is AMAZING and has provided so much inspiration for some cool stuff.  I was putting up student made pumpkins in the hall today and when someone complimented me on them, I informed them that I got the idea from pinterest.  Not 10 minutes later, another teacher popped in and I showed her a math tub idea also gathered from pinterest and she suggested the following genius idea to get back into my blog.  

Pick a few of your favorite pinterest ideas, do them, and then share the original inspiration and the result.  I have been going through my pins and have selected a few to do and share.  (Naturally I don't have time to do one EVERY day, as I do have a full time job and a home, classroom, and family to keep up with so some I share will be ones that I did recently, aka within the past week) 

Let's begin with pinterest pick #1 (The pumpkins in the hall) 

Here is the original inspiration silly pumpkins pin

And here is how the kiddos in my class did them.  (ours are painted too, you just can't tell in this low-quality pic ;) ) 

Adorable right? 

Check back in tomorrow for pin/project #2…
 You can bet good money I will be at hobby lobby gathering supplies for the many projects after my chiropractor appointment! ;) 

Oh, and just for laughs…. This is what I found on pinterest tonight that I am STILL laughing about…. enjoy ;)  Ohhhh, so this is where peanut butter comes from!

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