Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sooner or Later

"Sooner or later, I swear we'll make it there… The fear inside, the hills we've climbed, the tears this side of heaven.  All these dreams inside of me, I swear we're gonna get there. Sooner or later…"  
~ Mat Kearney 

At my Dr. appointment on Wednesday, she told me that I was 90% effaced and he would probably be here any day now.  Naturally we have gotten excited and wonder with every Braxton Hicks contraction if it will lead to real ones.  

No such luck yet. And the 13th guess obviously didn't hold either….  

Anyways, maybe the kid is just really good at listening to me and decided he really did need to wait until a bunch of things I had wanted to "check off the list" actually got accomplished.
I jokingly asked him to please stay put until… 

√ We found him a caregiver to replace the back-up daycare for when I get off maternity leave.  We really like Mrs. Melanie and it seems like she is going to be amazing with him.  
√ I completely finished his nursery down to the last little detail.  Did it on Monday.
√ My long term sub could take over my class from day one. She's done with her previous sub position and ready to go at a moments notice. As are all my plans...
√ I got the ridiculous amount of testing and grade inputing that comes at this time of year done. Spent 4 hours finishing that up this morning. 
√ I sewed his wiener dog blanket and car seat cover.  Finished the last stitch tonight. 

and now all that is done, and still no baby… 

My Dr. also said that she was on call last weekend and only delivering on Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday, so maybe he is listening to her too and staying put until she can be the one to introduce him to the world.  Or possibly he listened to another teacher who said she wouldn't mind sharing her birthday with him if he wanted to come out them.  Who knows at this point?  

All I do know is that we are way ready and sometimes I feel like we are literally just sitting, waiting, wishing.  God already has his birthday picked out, which we realize, I just hope it is sooner rather than later because we are so very excited to meet our miracle. 

By the way... that car seat cover is the first thing I have EVER sewn using an actual pattern and it was hard!  I have never had to sew in a zipper or cording before and it took me a good hour to even figure out how to change out the foot on my sewing machine.  Then I proceed to sew my finger, yes my finger, 3 times when learning how to use a zipper foot.  Here are a few pics of it. 

Trying to figure out how exactly all the pieces go together.
The finished view from the front.  You can flip up the front or unzip it as needed to access baby. 
The view of the back. You can bustle it for ventilation as needed. 
It's even got toy loops on the inside. 
The side view. 
His super soft flannel and minky dot car set blanket.  I think this material is just adorable. :) 
Me at 38 weeks, 4 days and  I so should have brushed my hair  ready to get what's in there...
into this cozy little set up and home! :) 

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