Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Tucker's Baptism

On Sunday Tucker was baptized at St. Louis Catholic Church in Castroville, Texas.  It is the church Brett's entire family is very involved in.  We got married there as did almost all of his relatives on both sides.  It is also the same church where Brett, his father, and his grandfather were baptized.  That's four generations of Haby boys which is pretty neat!

Our little family.  (My grandma Pomerening handmade that prayer shawl for him.  She lives in Virginia, and couldn't make it in so having him wrapped in her love and blessings for the ceremony meant a lot to me since she is a big part of the reason I have such a strong relationship with the Lord. ) 
Sweet boy before the baptism. 

Tucker and his Godparents; Auntie Erin and Uncle Brandon. 
Tucker and my parents.
Tucker and Brett's parents. 
Brett's entire side of the family in attendance.
My entire side of the family in attendance.  Can you tell Tucker was getting pretty fussy by this point?  Great Grandma Arnold is trying her hardest to get him to smile. ;) 
After mass and the ceremony, the immediate family headed back to the Haby's house for lunch and visiting.  We are so blessed to have such a loving and supportive family that went above and beyond to make this day special for us.  Both sides prepared a plethora of delicious food and my in-laws also opened up their home for the event and we all know how much work goes into getting a house ready to entertain 20 guests.  (All four grandparents have also already babysat so that Brett and I can have 2 nice date days/ nights.  Posts on those two events to come as soon as I have a little more spare time.)  
All three of us love you guys so very much and are so thankful for you and all that you do for us!

4 generations of Haby men!
Tucker and his Godmother.  She lives in St. Louis and we really miss her.  But, we are all going to visit this summer!
Blessing for little man. 
Playing with mommy later.  Silly boy already wants to try and stand. ;)  (Don't mind half naked Uncle Brandon in the background trying to finish a project for class due 3 hours later… It is a common occurrence. )
Tucker wore the same outfit that his Daddy and uncles all wore when they were baptized at St. Louis, which we think was pretty special.  They were about the same age when they wore it, but we could not fit Tucker's long feet in the little shoes.  I had tried them on three days before and they had fit, so he is growing fast!

Brett after his baptism in July of 1985.
Tucker after his baptism in February of 2012.
Me at my baptism in July of 1993.  That is the grandma who made his blanket. 
 Before I had a baby, I would have designed way cute invitations, baked and iced crossed sugar cookies and done a whole bunch of Pinterest ideas for the celebration.  Now however, I am lucky that I got all three of us dressed and to church on time with no major diaper explosions, spit up episodes, or missing make-up.  Definitely went to the doctors office last week with half of my make-up applied and didn't realize it until I got home.  Apparently I got distracted by the baby mid-make-up application… 

Anyways, I am still adjusting to not always having it together as much as my type A personality would like and have come to realize that life will always throw curve balls your way, especially right when you have just gotten everything just right.  Most of the time you can't do a thing about many of the situations and I am finally figuring out that the best thing to do is simply change your perspective. Now that I am back at work and we are still struggling to figure out the best combo to keep T man happy and healthy, we are often going day by day and have really had to approach things differently.  However, we are cherishing every minute and making them really count! :) 

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