Saturday, March 24, 2012

2 months

Happy 2 months little man! 

Here are some notes to Tucker about his 2nd month. 

With your Mickey that Nana & Big Bubba
brought back from Disney World!
- You weighed 12 pounds, 12 ounces and were 23 inches long at your 2 month check up.  
You and Mommy.
- You wear 3 month clothes and the Carter's / Osh Kosh brand fits you best.

- You wear size one diapers.
With Grandma Mary on our Spring Break lunch date. 
- Your hands have developed a little more and they are the exact same shape as Daddy's.

- Although your reflux is under control pretty well with the Prevacid, AR formula, and wedge in the crib combo, you still seem to get really bad flare ups and we haven't figured out why just yet. 

-You are also very drooly, spit up often, and sound congested thanks to your reflux. :( 

- You got shots at your two month appointment.  You were not a very happy camper and turned so red in the face from screaming that mommy thought you looked like a little cherry tomato. 
Bandaid badges of honor from your shots. 
- You have a crooked head and very poor range of motion on one side. We found out from your Dr. that this is because you have a condition called torticollis.  Basically you were squished up for a long time in the same spot in Mommy's tummy and your neck muscles didn't develop right.  Luckily, we caught it early and should be able to straighten you out, literally, with some constant stretches and positioning changes.  You cried and cried during stretches the first few days but now seem to enjoy them and are improving every day. 
Receiving blanket neck supports in the swing to help your torticollis out. 
- Daddy can always get you down for the night faster and smoother than mommy.  He can usually put you in your crib swaddled and wide awake but yawning, turn on your sleep sheep and aquarium and you will put yourself to sleep.  The first night you cried about 25 minutes, the second 15, then 5 and now you just make some noises and go down without a fight.  (If your reflux is bad though, it takes forever to get you down since you hurt so much and then you usually have to sleep in the bouncer to control it.)
Sleeping in the bouncer on a reflux night.  Once mommy figured out that the slit in the back of your Swaddle Me was to pull the safety strap in through so we could buckle you in, the night got MUCH easier. 
- You sleep 7-9 hours a night unless you have a reflux flare up.  Hallelujah!

- You make quite an ordeal out of stretching when you wake up.  It takes a few minutes to get through your little morning wake up routine and it always cracks me up. My favorite part is when you throw your fist up and shake it as though saying "you mean Mommy, how dare you wake me up!"

- You are beginning to smile in response to something.  Your favorite is to smile at Daddy when he comes home from work. 

- You and your Daddy also like to play a game where you stick your tongues out at each other.  Apparently Mommy has two little boys. ;) 

- You are obsessed with lights.  Fan lights, toys with lights, flashlights, any and all lights amaze you.

- You are also highly entertained by keys. 

- You absloutely love to look at yourself in the mirror.  Apparently the kid staring back at you is pretty funny because you are always laughing at him. ;) 

- You are starting to be very talkative and constantly make noise when you are awake.

- You are extremely alert and are tracking things with your eyes.  You also get frustrated when we move you from something you were fixated on.

- You like to straighten your legs/ practice standing when someone is holding you.

- You are a mover and a shaker and are constantly kicking your legs and moving your arms. 
Sako standing guard during tummy time. ;) 
- Mommy sings you kindergarten sight word songs when she can't remeber the words to nursery rhymes.

- You have a pooping face that makes us giggle.
This doesn't do the hilarity of the face justice.  I need to remember to record it. 
- You also have a distinct pouty face. 

- Your eyes get really big when we put you in your car seat.  

- You love being outside, especially going on walks.
At the park with your cousins. 
- You got to meet your Auntie Erin and Uncle Brad finally!  You will get to go visit them in St. Louis this summer!

- You have been pretty good during Church services. 

- You really are not much of a paci baby, but love sucking on your fists.

- You love napping by laying tummy down on someone's chest. 

- You are starting to enjoy Bathtime.  Mommy uses the cool foam alphabet her class gave you to start teaching you the letters in your name. ;)

And here is a video of you talking for viewer enjoyment. (Grandma, click the little box on the bottom right of the video clip to make it bigger. ;) ) 

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