Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Mother's Day

My handsome and happy little man! 
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go." ~ Joshua 1:9

     This verse was incorporated into Sunday's church sermon and it was one of those moments when you think the pastor is speaking directly to you.  Lately my heart has been very heavy about a variety of things and try as I might I just can't seem to fully pull myself out of the funk.  Life has changed tremendously for me in the past few months, and although I wouldn't trade being a mommy for anything  in the world, I am still adjusting and figuring things out as I go.  I have a slightly perfectionistic personality and am still trying to determine the best way to keep everything running smoothly at home, school, and with my husband and son and there are a lot of days where I feel completely overwhelmed and alone.  Lately, I feel as though I have poured my heart out in prayer asking the Lord for guidance and strength and a peace in my heart and wonder if he is hearing me.  Afraid and discouraged definitely describe me right now.

      The pastor was talking about how often us Mothers throw the same "fits" that our children do, but rather than saying "Mommy, I don't WANT to do what YOU said", we say "God, I don't WANT to follow YOUR path, I want the path to go MY way".   Yep, I'm guilty of that.  It shames me to admit it, but being honest about it is the best way to change it.  So often I think that I know what is best for me and I truly don't.  I try to push things the way I want them to go, when I want them to go there, and then get bitter when God says no.  Then when the reason(s) his path and timing are so much better than what I had originally envisioned becomes clear, I realize it and do the "DUH" forehead bop and send up some major prayers of praise.  The pastor went on to say that life will ALWAYS be overwhelming, we will always have too much to do and not enough time to do it and rather than to stress and complain about it, we should accept it, embrace it, and figure out how to actually enjoy it.  I'm liking that idea and trying to determine the best way to start making it a habit.  Certainly easier said than done, but last year when focusing on some of the goals on my 25@25 list I realized that habits truly can be formed or broken if you really keep at it and stay committed.

     One goal I've stayed committed to, that has paid off big, is putting my family first.  I've always been a person that does things I am passionate about above and beyond and my classroom was no exception.  I'm always looking for new ideas, ways to teach something, and putting together independent centers where the kids can reinforce and extend learning.  Don't even ask me how much I have spent on new units from teachers pay teachers, cardstock, and ink (needed to put all the awesome stuff to use) in the past month.   Once I found out I was pregnant, I told myself that I could still be an excellent teacher without making it my life.  I had to.  I knew it would be a big transition from pouring all of my energy into my classroom and students and then coming home to relax to splitting everything between mothering and teaching, but I have done it.  Sure I feel exhausted and overwhelmed with school sometimes because I still am always thinking and creating new things, but I have absolutely no regrets with little man.  

     I focus on him when I get home and don't touch school stuff until after he goes to bed.  I don't feel like I have missed any part of his childhood and in fact feel like I have been blessed to be able to work full time in a career that God created me to do, knowing he is in fabulous hands, and then still have plenty of time to spend with him as he learns and grows.  He is growing up fast and I am so thankful that I am taking the time to really cherish every single minute.  Yep, even the not so fun cutting two bottom teeth at once moments.  My favorite thing right now is when he falls asleep on my shoulder/ chest and every time he does I stare at him and wonder how I got so lucky.  I'm also enjoying watching him learn how to grab something and guide it towards his mouth. Then again, you can not beat his laughs/ squeals of delight.  Golly, I am so in love.  Can you tell I'm a first time Mommy?

Now, let me share with you my first Mother's Day, which was fabulous btw. 

Brett made me eggs benedict.  My favorite and oh so delicious! 
Tucker swinging while we ate breakfast. 
You can't see the whole thing, but I got a "MOM" pandora charm from my boys. Love it.
Tucker also made me a card at Mrs. Melanie's!  Precious little handprint.
After church, we went to Brett's grandparents and hung out with the family.
Here is Daddy putting together Grandpa Earl's birthday gift. 
Tucker laughing and playing with his Nana.  
My family of three. 
My son and I.

He fell asleep on the car ride to my parents.  Look at those big feet! 
Checking out Grandma Mary's garden.

He is full of expressions!

We saw this momma and her babies in someone's front yard when we 
pulled into our subdivision! 
Tucker's second tooth showed up that morning.  
We spent most of the evening playing on the floor in T's nursery. 
He loves the "Superman" game. 
I also got a pretty pink pedicure to get my toes ready for summer!
I snuck in his room a little later that night just to watch him sleep.  

 I absolutely LOVE being a Mommy!

Last thing, one of the things weighing so heavily on my mind right now has to do with another mommy I work with.  Her third child was born a few weeks ago at just 24 weeks and needs as many prayers for strength and healing as he can get.  Please add sweet baby Jacob and his whole family to your prayers and pass on the "pray for" word!  

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