Sunday, August 5, 2012

6 months

Since I am apparently too busy to post more than once a month right now… big sigh because I wish that wasn't the case… prepare yourself for a photo dump of Tucker Thomas during his 6th month.

As usual, there are a few notes to Tucker (since I will soon go back and transition these posts into his baby book)

 - You are a tall little guy.  At your 6 month appointment you were 28.5" long which put you in the 90th percentile!  You were 17lbs & 11 ounces, which only put you in the 60th for weight.
- You are constantly trying to put everything you can get your hands on into your mouth.  This includes but is not limited to your six month sign, Kirby the dog, dirty socks brought to you by said dog, the edge of the carpet, a chunk of mommy's hair, sand at the beach, etc…

- You are very easily distracted and want to check out everything and everyone around you. 
 - You celebrated your first 4th of July at what is left of Medina lake.  You weren't a fan of the life jacket at first and threw a lovely little fit, but auntie Megan's mommy and daddy loved on you so much you forgot all about how uncomfortable it was. ;)
 - You love to grab necklaces, earrings, watches, anything that sparkles really.  Oh, and hair, you tend to get a big ole' hunk of that and yank as hard as you possibly can.
 - You roll over and try to scoot on your belly but can't quite coordinate things to crawl.  I bet you are full out army crawling in the next few days and real crawling by the start of September though. You are good at spinning in circles on your tummy to reach all the things around you.
 - You usually take 2 good naps a day.  Sometimes you fight one though and then tend to be a bit grumpy in the evening.
 - You have 4 teeth.  the two bottom that came through a long time ago and the front top two as well.  You tend to get pretty mad when new ones cut through though and the only thing to calm you is some baby Advil right on the gums and your light up toy.
 - You are terrified of loud noises behind you, like people cheering, and go into an all out freak out.
- You babble to yourself constantly and also try to imitate vowel sounds people make. 
- You are kind of weird about your solids.  Some days you love them and some days you hate them and just want your bottle.  We have noticed that you prefer veggies over fruits and rice over oatmeal.  Carrots, green beans, sweet potatoes, and pears are your favorites. As your Mommy, I still think you are adorable with food all over your face and can't help but share way too many food faced pictures of you. 
- Mommy is starting to expose you to several baby signs.  Clearly you are not coordinated enough just yet to sign back, but the hope is that if we expose you to them and connect them to meaningful experiences daily that you will one day make a connection and sign back when you are ready.  The ones we are focusing on at this point are; eat, more, milk, dog, all done, and poop. 
- You are finally getting a little more hair, although it is still hard to see in pictures since it is dirty blonde with a definite tint of orange/red. It is beautiful and soft and a quality of your sweet babyhood I never want to forget the feel of. 
- You still love your bottles too, although you tend to get distracted halfway through feeding.  
- Mommy and Daddy have started making your baby food.  Here is the first batch of butternut squash we did for you. It was from the garden of a co-worker of Daddy's.  Grandpa Dan also made a huge batch of pears for you from the trees in his front yard. :)  
- You are so fun to tickle and love on, especially after your bath. 
- Your favorite toys are the giant caterpillar, the taggie blanket, and of course the light up baby einstein ipod looking song thing. 
- You start off almost every weekday with a long walk and sometimes you get so relaxed that you crash out.  This is by far Mommy's favorite part of the day and you seem to really enjoy the ride too. 
- You have been to the pool a few more times and now LOVE it.  Thank goodness, because we are a family who hangs out at the beach and lake a lot.  We checked out the neighborhood pool with your buddies Addie and Hadley. :) 
- Your feet are still Mommy's favorite baby part and you still love to play with them constantly too.  
- You have a pretty much constant case of heat rash on your lower belly where your diaper sits.  Airing you out nakey for a bit during the day, washcloths instead of wipes, and Boudreaux's Butt Paste are the best remedies. 
- Your favorite stories are Goodnight Moon and Guess How Much I Love You.  Of course you would rather eat the books right now, so mommy makes sure you get your taggie book to chew on often. ;) 
- You sleep on your tummy while cuddling your Lovey (Mommy refuses to call it Paco…), with your hiney in the air.  I crack up every time I go in to check on you.  You are starting to refuse to fall asleep in the car since you can't get comfy unless you are on your belly. :(  
- You try and roll over onto your belly mid diaper change/ while getting dressed.  You are totally a little wiggle worm and for a kid who hated tummy time as a newborn you hate being on your back now!
- You LOVE the swing at the neighborhood park! Mommy is OCD though and wipes it down good with clorox wipes, then puts a towel on it, then puts you in.  It grosses her out that you try to eat it so she figures she needs to at least attempt to clean all the other kid germs off.  ewwww.
- Your smile and laugh and complete love of the world are something I hope you never loose.  You are a very happy and good natured little guy who is very curious and smart. 
- You adore your Daddy.  When he comes home, you light up, laugh, and get very wiggly.  Here you are watching him shoot hoops from your swing.  
- You have been a good helper while Mommy works on all kinds of projects for your new "playroom".   Since you are going to be into everything within a few weeks, we have to get the house baby-ready. ;)
- You sit in the highchair and cart at the grocery store.  However, you loose patience with it quickly and would much rather by sitting or playing on the floor. 
- You enjoy playing with other kids at playdates! You and Jaxon are already wrestling. ;) 
-  You are a really good sitter and hardly ever fall over anymore.  Soon you will be transitioning from sitting to crawling and vice versa! 
 - You love splashing and actually get mad when we take you out of the bath since you were having so much fun. 
- And last but not least, you still laugh and get excited almost every single time you see a dog. :) 

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