Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tucker's First Easter

I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking on this one. 

We went to the Haby's side the night before Easter. 
Tucker relaxing with uncle Brad.
Family photo.
Cardinals onesie for when we go see them play in St. Louis this summer. 
Auntie Erin loving on her favorite nephew. 
T with Ma Rhonda.  Every other time she has held him he has had a bad reflux issues and was not enjoyable.
This time however, he was all smiles and laughs for her! :)
Also note the "rabbit tail" on the back of his Easter onesie!
Easter morning in his PJs.  
All his goodies from grandparents, aunts & uncles,and extended family.
Can you tell he is the first grand baby on Brett's side?
A huge thank you to my parents too for contributing to his college savings fund as an Easter gift!

The next morning we went to church and then headed out to Castroville to spend the day with Brett's other side of the family for lunch and my family for dinner. 
Family picture in the bluebonnets. 
He was not a fan of the bright sun!  
Giving uncle Brad a hug goodbye. 
Tuckered out.
Hanging out with the extended family.
Tucker was in a great mood and just laughing away! 
Not quite big enough to sit on Daddy's shoulders. ;)
Sweet shades the Easter Bunny brought him!  
My mother thought we should all play croquet in her rocky Texas hill country backyard.
Between the rough terrain and Xena constantly chasing the balls and mallet/ stick things it was quite a hoot! 
Silly dog was obsessed.
Watching Grandma Mary play. 
Definitely a great first Easter for little bit!  We were so blessed to be able to spend a holiday meant for rejoicing Jesus surrounded by so many people we love. :) 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Tucks first Port A trip

I miss blogging.  I absolutely love to write.  I know I am not excellent at it and make the occasional grammatical error but I feel a sense of freedom and comfort pouring out thoughts into words and sharing pictures and it pains me that I don't have the time to do it as much as I would like.  On a daily basis during my drive home I think of these amazing blog posts and write the whole thing in my head.  It is often triggered by a song I hear on the radio or a bible verse I read relating to something weighing on my heart at the time.  I get all excited about it and can't wait to get home to my computer.  However, it seems that the minute I arrive home, the dogs need attention, dinner needs to be cooked, and the mountain of laundry threatens to consume Kirby if I don't wash things soon.  Plus let's not forget the sweet angel God gave me almost 12 weeks ago that I simply can not get enough of in the evenings.  (Ever since we went to the specialist, he has been a new baby.  Details about that adventure in another post.)  Point being that even though I have stopped bringing school things home with me, by the time Tucker goes down for the night I am either too busy cleaning the kitchen, making lunches, or folding clothes to sit down and type.  When the clock hits 9:15 and I look at the computer chair and my bed, you can guess what has been winning.  However, my heart feels like there is a part of me that is not being nurtured when I don't write, and honestly, even if no one reads this blog but my Grandma and a few friends, it makes me happy and soothes my soul and at the end of the day don't we all need a way to simply just sit and be?

Moving on...

2 weekends ago, we took Tucker to Port A for the first time.  My inlaws bought a condo and boat down there a few years ago and we had been going pretty regularly until I got hugely pregnant.  Brett still went duck hunting and fishing for several weekends in a row, but I hadn't been since catching my big redfish back in October.  I was pretty nervous about taking Tucker down there with his reflux issues, the 3 hour car ride, the ridiculous amount of things we would need to take, etc.  But, my husband's love language is quality time and his favorite way to achieve that is fishing and doing other outdoorsy things, so I gave in.  Plus, my in laws were going too and since Tuck can't be on a boat for awhile longer, we needed Nana to watch little bit so we could go fish. :)  

Our little family all together at the beach. It was pretty windy!
He slept the whole way down there and therefore his routine was way thrown off and his reflux was bad so he cried most of Friday night.  Thank goodness we weren't planning to go fishing early that morning because there is no way we would have been functioning.  On Saturday we took him out to the beach and dipped his toes in the water and sand for the first time.  He was a little surprised by it at first, but then seemed to really like it.  Also, he was not crazy about the bright sun, but the Easter Bunny brought him some sweet shades to take care of that. ;)   Good thing he enjoyed it because we practically live down there on the weekends in the summer and are looking forward to all the family memories to be made in Port A. 

Tucker and Daddy walking out into the waves.
He thought the sun was pretty bright!
Toes in the sand. 
Splashing with mommy. 
It melts my heart just watching Brett be a father. 
Tucker's sweet chubby thighs.
Tucker with his Nana and Big Bubba. They can't get enough of him either.  :) 
We also watched a few skydivers come in. Maybe I'll have the desire to do that one day...