Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Tucker's First Easter

I'm going to let the pictures do most of the talking on this one. 

We went to the Haby's side the night before Easter. 
Tucker relaxing with uncle Brad.
Family photo.
Cardinals onesie for when we go see them play in St. Louis this summer. 
Auntie Erin loving on her favorite nephew. 
T with Ma Rhonda.  Every other time she has held him he has had a bad reflux issues and was not enjoyable.
This time however, he was all smiles and laughs for her! :)
Also note the "rabbit tail" on the back of his Easter onesie!
Easter morning in his PJs.  
All his goodies from grandparents, aunts & uncles,and extended family.
Can you tell he is the first grand baby on Brett's side?
A huge thank you to my parents too for contributing to his college savings fund as an Easter gift!

The next morning we went to church and then headed out to Castroville to spend the day with Brett's other side of the family for lunch and my family for dinner. 
Family picture in the bluebonnets. 
He was not a fan of the bright sun!  
Giving uncle Brad a hug goodbye. 
Tuckered out.
Hanging out with the extended family.
Tucker was in a great mood and just laughing away! 
Not quite big enough to sit on Daddy's shoulders. ;)
Sweet shades the Easter Bunny brought him!  
My mother thought we should all play croquet in her rocky Texas hill country backyard.
Between the rough terrain and Xena constantly chasing the balls and mallet/ stick things it was quite a hoot! 
Silly dog was obsessed.
Watching Grandma Mary play. 
Definitely a great first Easter for little bit!  We were so blessed to be able to spend a holiday meant for rejoicing Jesus surrounded by so many people we love. :) 

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