Saturday, December 31, 2011

showered with love: round one

So... baby Tucker is so popular already that he got not 1, but 3 showers!;)  We have some pretty awesome family, friends, and co-workers I would say.  Everyone has been so very thoughtful and generous in helping us celebrate and prepare for the arrival of our little guy!

Round One
Title:  The "Family Shower" (even though not everyone was a relative…)
Date: Saturday, November 26, 2011
Theme: Baby Boy Adorableness
Hostesses:  Erin Haby (My amazing sister-in-law & Tucker's Godmother) & Allison (Tucker's Godfather's girlfriend)

the hostesses
sweet Maci from my class 2 years ago came :)
there goes my niece kissing her cousin again ;) 
amazing cupcakes
the spread
Tucker's best buddy, Jaxon
gifts galore
Tucker's mommy, grandmas, and great grandmas
31 weeks and 5 days

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