Thursday, December 29, 2011

Your Love is a Song

"All your love is a symphony, all around me, running through me.
  All your love is a melody, underneath me, running to me.  
All your love is a song…" ~ Switchfoot

I am so very blessed.  And each day that goes by, I seem to realize it more.  God is so good and right now he is showing his amazing self in so many aspects of my life.  No, life is not perfect, nor will it ever be, but I have been austounded at how just a change of perspective towards one that includes the Lord and his desires on most any situation can make a world of difference.  And naturally, he is teaching me how to apply this on a daily basis at an ideal time in my life since my world is about to be turned upside down

Tucker is due in 25 days

Sure, we are pretty much as "prepared" and ready as new parents-to-be can get, but who is really every ready for a newborn no matter how much attention you pay to every single detail.  Up until a few days ago I was terrified of him coming early and of the whole birthing process itself and when I finally accepted that he is going to come whenever he's ready and that God already has the whole entire process mapped out, I had this overwhelming sense of peace with everything.  Now, I am at the point where I am simply enjoying the experience.  These past nine months have gone by faster than I ever imagined and I want to just take it all in.  Every single aspect of a baby from conception forward is truly a miracle and an amazing event orchestrated by God and my relationship with him has deepened and strengthened so much during this process.  

"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; 
your works are wonderful, I know that full well." ~ Psalm 139:14 

* Side note… Since another teacher at school told me she was having "blog withdrawals" Tammy and the whole point of this thing was to write on a consistent basis and document things in life, I plan to actually get back in the grove of things over the next few days with a week of "baby backtracking"  where I will share what happened during my 2 month blog absence.  Check back soon. :)  


  1. I seriously love this picture. Tucker's God mother did well on the lamby!!!

  2. Yeah she did! :) (and I guess I have to give a shout out to his godfather too since he did supply the tripod I used to take the actual picture... ;) )

  3. I absolutely loved the intro to this blog post!!
