Wednesday, May 2, 2012

3 months

Happy 3 months sweet boy! 

The time is flying by.  On April 19th, we celebrated your 3 month birthday. I feel like we just brought you home, but you have already grown and changed so much.  You are interacting with everything much more and are a lot of fun. 

 -You are getting good at holding your own head up and 
prefer sitting with support to laying down.

- You are a very happy baby and constantly smile, laugh, and talk. 

- You are still in size one diapers and wearing mostly 3 month size clothes.

- You weigh about 14 pounds.

- You are very observant and want to check out EVERYTHING.  
You love looking around and checking out the world around you.  
Watching Kirby run around the house is your favorite. 

 - You love being worn in the baby K'Tan.  
I usually wear you like this when we do the grocery shopping and you enjoy the view.

 - You still aren't a big fan of tummy time, but we do it almost nightly and are working on rolling.  Most nights you have a nakey tummy time so your bottom can get some fresh air.

 - You love hanging out with Daddy and give him huge smiles 
when he comes home from work.

 - You are always sucking on your fist or fingers.

-You have a milk & soy protein allergy & have to be on a special and expensive formula.

 - You are constantly moving and kick those legs and wave those arms like crazy.  Your reflux is much better so you can finally lay flat to play every once in a while.

 - You absolutely love being outside.  If you are fussy, we just take 
you outside and suddenly you are happy again.

 -Your silly mommy brought home the butterflies from her classroom 
and you thought they were pretty cool until they crawled on your ear.  
You couldn't quite figure out what was poking you. ;)

 - Your big ole feet have outgrown most of your socks and you 
can only wear the ones for 6-12 months.

 - You drool all the time!  You can't hold teethers by yourself just yet 
but you love the way the chilled ones from the fridge feel on your gums.

- Your grandparents on both sides can't get enough of you.  
Daddy and I giggle because it is so cute watching them interact with you. :)

- You love having your diaper changed and laugh the whole time. 

- Your torticollis is getting a little better, but we still have a 
long way to go to get you straightened out completely. 

We love you so very much and couldn't 
                           imagine life without you now! 

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