Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Let's go on a date… June 2012

4 years ago at our wedding.
   For our 4 year anniversary, I put together a "year of dates" as my gift to Brett.  The idea originated from Pinterest and my friend Cammie, but naturally I put my own little spin on it.  Basically I planned 12 dates, one for each month, for Brett and I to go on.  Most of them are things we have never done before, and some are group or family dates.  Some are big adventures, others are just small things we haven't had time to do in a long time.  I wrote a description of each date and then complied everything together into a calendar, with each activity at the top and all the other things we have that month already listed for planning purposes.  It's bound to be a fun year enjoying some quality time together! :)  
The cover/ description
For June, I planned a peach picking date in Fredericksburg.  Here is a photo recap of our adventure. 
Description of the June date. 
At the stand listening to picking instructions. 
A plethora of peaches at the orchard check-out. 
The rows of peach trees were marked to show what variety it was. 
Beautiful "Majestic" peaches.  My favorite. :)   (I'm actually eating one now…)
Brett pickin' peaches. 
Trying to get good ones. 
We got there at 8:00 am to beat the crowds and the heat.
Happy June date babe! 
Our 2 half bushels of peaches. 
After we were done picking, we had breakfast tacos and visited a few of the shops on Main St. 
Brett suggested we go wine tasting! 
There were TONS of Monarchs outside the Becker tasting room.
On one of the wine barrels we saw on the tour. 
Becker vineyards 2012. 
The tour at Pedernales Cellars.  It was nice and cool in there!
My new favorite Texas winery.  I also loved that they gave out stemless glasses here!
Homemade peach cobbler Brett made that night.  It was delicious! 
I'm looking forward to our July date already! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

5 months

Tucker ~ 5 Months
here are some notes to T about this month in his life

- You weighed 16.25 pounds at a Dr. appointment on 6/22/12.

- You wear size 6 month clothes and size 2 diapers, but they are getting pretty snug. 

- You are getting better every day at sitting up by yourself.  Sometimes your big head weighs you down and wherever it goes, your body follows. ;) 

- You have the biggest blue/green eyes and put them to good use by constantly checking out EVERYTHING in the world around you.  You are starting to get a tiny bit more hair and it is a darker blonde but looks kind of red in the sunlight.  

- You love "lounging" with your feet propped up.  You do this daily in your stroller, and the other day a lady at a store told your mommy that you were "just chillin". ;) 

- You had your first swimming pool experience. You were unsure of it at first, then seemed to like it, and then after about 5 minutes you were done. We think it was still a bit too cold for your liking. 

- You go on walks with Mommy and your neighbor friend Addie almost daily. 

- You took your first "fish" picture! It was a 16" trout. 

- You like watching daddy work.  He can be cleaning the boat, mowing the grass, or packing an ice chest, anything he does seems to intrigue you. 

- Your hands seem to be glued to your feet! 

- You went to the beach two more times and liked it more, but only for a short time.  You get hot easy, the sand is not your favorite texture, and Mommy is terrified that you will get a sunburn even with the crazy high SPF sunscreen. 

- You got to meet your Auntie Karen who is Mommy's best friend from UT. 

- You spent Father's day with your Daddy and his Daddy.  Grandpa Dan is getting lunch with you and Mommy soon to make up for us being out of town. 

- You got a highchair!  You are still a little short for it, but are really interested in checking out your reflection in the tray! 

- You finally take really good naps and put yourself to sleep! We "Ferberized" you (it's a sleep theory that worked wonders, google it) and ask ourselves why we didn't do this earlier.  You sleep better, longer, and almost always wake up happy. 

- You have to have a "Lovey" to fall asleep.  Sometimes we try and move it away from your face, and you have got a death grip on that thing! 

- You either sleep on your side or tummy. It scared your Mommy at first and she used to go roll you back onto your back, but the Dr. said that since you are such a pro at rolling and holding your head up that you are fine.  We are glad we got you that movement/ breathing sensing monitor though, that thing was the BEST investment ever! 

- You started solid foods.  We tried organic brown rice cereal first, and although you liked it you still had the tongue thrust reflex where 95% of it ended up all over you.  We waited two weeks and tried again with much better response. You have now eaten brown rice, oatmeal, avocado, and sweet potatoes. 

- You love bath time, especially when we pour water on you. 

- You are teething and constantly have to have something in your mouth.  This month you are favoring your chilled key teether, Sophie giraffe, and teething ring toys. 

- You are really good a taking something we hand you and putting the part you want into your mouth. 

- You love your doggies, and since we don't let you grab them, they seem to enjoy you too.  They come check on you when you start talking to yourself after waking up in the morning, hang out with you when you play, and lay next to you for cuddles.  You could watch them run around the house with toys all day long. 

- You get very intrigued by things and focus hard on what you are seeing, feeling, tasting, or doing.  It's really fun to watch how you learn and experience things.  

- Sometimes you yell at things, especially the toys on your exersaucer, to get them to work. 

- You celebrated Daddy's birthday and helped him pick out some bright new kicks.  

- You did your first art project for Father's day.  Getting your hands painted and on paper was hard work for Mommy and Grandma Mary since you don't sit still anymore. ;) 

- Your Mickey shirt describes you perfectly. ;) 

- You went through a phase where you would scream in your car seat, but the light up/ singing mirror took care of that.   Apparently you didn't like staring at the boring seat, duh. 

- You spit up quite often still, but your reflux is under control. 

- Your love your bottle, and will grab it and try to shove it in your mouth if it's in my hand while carrying you or when we sit down to feed.  You are not a very patient little guy when it comes to waiting for food and when you are hungry, you make sure everybody knows it. 

- You got sick for the first time. It started as a cold or allergies, then turned into a sinus infection where you were constantly coughing and gagging on mucus.  We treated it with one antibiotic, then it came back so we are on antibiotic number 2 currently.  It hurts your parents to see you not feel well. :( 

- You roll and scoot on your belly.  I'll put you down on your back on your play mat and almost immediately you have moved off of it and are facing the complete opposite direction. 

We love you little buddy!