Wednesday, June 6, 2012

4 months

Family Photo ~ May 18, 2012
So, I am just now doing Tuck's 4 month post… When he is like 12 days from turning 5 months. Thoughts running through my brain as I start downloading the oodles of pictures for this post...
* He has already grown and changed so much since May 19 and has learned a ton of new tricks so I feel like the info I'm sharing here is somewhat outdated.  BUT, since it is about what he did back when this was supposed to be written I will refrain from discussing things he has accomplished more recently. 
* On the topic of when he accomplishes things… I feel like labeling this post 4 months is misleading since it is technically all the stuff he accomplished during the 3 month old period leading up to 4 months, but whatever. 
* Lastly, May, August, and September are the 3 most ridiculously crazy months for a teacher every year and I would prefer to not have number two (when that time comes, which is NOT anytime soon) during those months as I always feel extremely busy during that time.  Plus, although a longer maternity leave would have been nice, I am LOVING that he is older and therefore much more fun when I get to be home with him this summer. God's planning was good. :) 

So without further ado, here are the things I want Tuck to know about this age... 
- You weighed 15 lbs, 1 ounce and were 25.5 inches long at your Dr. appointment on May 23, 2012
- You wear size 6 month clothes, size 2 diapers, and have outgrown most all of your socks. 
- You went to your first softball game and enjoyed it. :) 
- You learned to grab a toy hanging above you and guide it towards your mouth. 
- You love being held up in the air like Superman.
- You started sitting in your stroller without being in the car seat.  
- Your Daddy went on a business trip for a week to Boston and mommy was exhausted.  
- You sit in your Bumbo and interact with us while we eat. 
- you cut your bottom two teeth. 
- When you laugh it sounds like you are inhaling and is super cute. ;) 
- You celebrated Cousin Shelby's 16th birthday.
- You went to Uncle Brandon's college graduation and were terrified of all the noise. 
- Kirby has started bringing you socks thinking you will throw them for her.  She's blind and Sako destroys all her toys, so she plays with socks instead.  
- You make a grunting noise like you are trying to talk. 
- You are finally big enough for the exersaucer and are starting to figure it all out. 
- You are obsessed with the baby einstein ipodish toy. Most of the time it will stop a screaming fit. :) Lights and music intrigue you. 
- You also favor the Sophie teether toy. 
- You started waking up in the middle of the night for a feeding which stinks cause you used to sleep through the night since about 6 weeks old. :( We think it is because you are such a big boy, you need more to hold you over than you generally eat at one feeding. 
- You are getting more tolerant of tummy time and are holding yourself up to look around. 
- You got a package in the mail from Auntie Karen who is mommy's best friend from college.  You get to meet her in June! 
- You found your feet!  At first you weren't sure what to do with them and just grabbed them, but then you discovered you could put your toes in your mouth and constantly reach for your feet.  You do get confused however when you are in PJs and grab your feet and only get cotton pajamas to stick in your mouth. ;)
- The Dr. had us stop giving you your Prevacid for reflux to see if you outgrew it and clearly you had not.  That was a miserable week for everybody. :(  
- We had to stop swaddling you which was a hard habit to break, but we transitioned you to a sleep sack and a "lovie"to cuddle instead.  However, your Daddy doesn't like calling it a "lovie" and insists we call your lovies "Paco".  I kid you not, we debated this for a good week and Paco (rhymes with taco) it is.
- And most importantly, you learned to roll over! You don't show off this trick often for some reason, but it is exciting none the less!  Here is a video of you the first night you did it.  Don't mind all the background noise, the TV was on and Daddy was making fresh salsa in the kitchen. ;)

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