Sunday, October 30, 2011

- Pinterest on Pause - Fishing First

Yes, this blog should be titled Pinterest Day 5 and should have some way cute crafty stuff posted on here for you.  I'll get back to that, promise, but first let's discuss the following… 

There are days when I really think I am losing it or can't seem to get/keep it together.  And recently there seem to be a lot more of them.  Brett has even told me he is concerned sometimes because I can't remember things that occurred/ we discussed the night before...

I'm attributing this to pregnancy, hormones, and lack of quality sleep because of my back/ getting up to pee 50 billion times and then having my mind race instead of just going back to sleep...

Friday was definitely one of those major, "WHAT is the deal with me today?" days, so when Brett texted around lunch asking if I wanted to go down to the coast and try our hand at some redfish, for once my way-plan-ahead self let it be and said yes.  We literally got home from work, threw clothes and food in some bags, packed up the dogs and fishing gear and headed down to port A. 

Brett catching bait
Saturday morning we cooked a big breakfast, geared up the boat, and headed out to fish.   Naturally the bite was late and we got there early so I had one bite that got off, then nothing for a few hours.  That's okay though because I laid down at the back of the boat and took one of the best naps I have had in weeks.  :)  Brett said it is because I finally got to just rest and not just lay there and worry about getting my back comfortable, or worrying that I wasn't going to get enough sleep because I couldn't get comfortable.  He had a good point…  I was awoken from that nap by Brett hollering,  "reel in the other line babe, I've got a fish on!"   

Sure enough, he had caught him a 23" redfish. :) 

About 15-30 minutes later, another pole bent over, and I reeled in a big boy who put up quite the fight.  Thank goodness I wasn't fishing with my little pink reel because this particular fish was a fighter and he would have spooled it. 

Yep, he really is that big.  29" to be exact.  We had to tag him, and had to look up where to tag a redfish since we have never caught one big enough to have to tag before.  

Isn't he pretty? 

We didn't get many more bites after that and wanted to be back before the sun went down, so in we headed with Brett saying.  "A bad day fishing is better than a good day anywhere else, except Disney World, because that's where dreams are made"   Oh, Brett, you're a keeper too. :)  Although I must note that we both agreed that it was a really good day fishing, you don't have to limit out to have fun although it would have been a nice perk. 

This beautiful shot was taken from the boat as we were coming in and reminds me that sometimes we all just need to slow it down.  Am I right? 

btw:  Us Against the World by Coldplay so sings this thought out nicely…if you like Coldplay… the hubs can't stand them, thinks they are whiney and depressed, but I love their music and think it calms me, so it all depends on you and your own music taste...

Here is Brett with the two fish back at the condo.

And here is me with my redfish and baby Tucker at 28 weeks.  :)

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