Sunday, May 20, 2012

Time is Love

     Have yall heard the new Josh Turner song "Time is Love"?  It's amazing, of course. For starters, it is sung by this hottie, in his deep voice. Not only is he an awesome singer but the fact that he is a down home country boy and big family man makes him that much more attractive.  I'm not one of those girls who ever really had celebrity crushes, no Jonathan Taylor Thomas or Justin Timberlake for me.  But, if I had to be married to someone other than Brett, Josh Turner would definitely be my first choice. ;) 
     We've seen him at the rodeo a few times and he always puts on a fabulous show.  I heard this song on the radio one day after school last week while driving to pick Tucker up from his sitter's.  I kid you not, I started crying and then downloaded it as soon as I pulled up to Mrs. M's so I could hear it again and again. It pretty much sums up how I feel many days , except I don't have a "she" love waiting on me, rather I have a "he" son who needs his mommy and her loving.   

"Time Is Love"
I know I gotta put in the hours,
Make the money while the sunlight shines.
But anything I gotta get done,
It can get done some other time.

Time is love, gotta run,
Love to hang longer,
But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She's where I need to be.
Time is love, gotta run.

I only get so many minutes,
Don't wanna spend 'em all on the clock.
In the time that we spent talkin',
How many kisses have I lost?

Time Is love, gotta run,
Love to hang longer,
But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She's where I need to be,
Time is love, gotta run.

Gotta fly
Before one moment
Gets by...

Time Is love, gotta run,
Love to hang longer,
But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She's where I need to be.

Time is love, gotta run,
Love to hang longer,
But I got someone who waits,
Waits for me and right now
She's where I need to be,
Time is love, gotta run.

Time is Love, gotta run...

    So, to all of my teacher friends and other friends who may think I have fallen off the map or don't make time to come chat with you in your rooms as often anymore, this song explains things perfectly.  Time with my baby boy is my number one priority right now.  It doesn't mean you, my job, the housework, etc. are not important to me, it's just that they can wait.  I never used to understand that frame of mind, but then I became a mommy.  I truly believe that the strong relationships will be fine and pick up right where the last visit left off.  Tucker is already 4 months old and growing up super fast.  He is where I need to be after my job at school with my students is done.  Every second I spend with him fills my heart with so much love and joy and I don't want to miss a single second if I don't have too! I am so excited to be able to be a "stay at home mom" in just a few more days, even if it is only for the summer. ;)  

     Here we are on his 4 month "birthday".  I promise to do a 4 month post soon, I just want to wait until after his Dr. appt. on Wednesday.  You can see his two bottom teeth pretty good in this picture! Don't mind his red eye though, he was exhausted but fighting a nap and had been rubbing his eyes like crazy.  So in love with him and his sweet smile. :) 

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