Monday, July 25, 2011

Lake Weekend

This past weekend was spent playing in the sun and water at lake LBJ with the hubby's extended family.  We are talking aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents…24 people to be exact ranging from the ages of 6 - 70ish. It was the second year we went and had just as much fun.  Tubing, wake-boarding, jet-skiing, poolside lounging which I did almost the entire time, volleyball, pool playing, and eating all day long were the main things on the agenda.  I was awful about taking pictures, I have been really bad about that recently and don't know why :(.  I used to be obsessive about pictures and scrapbooking and now I am just kinda nonchalant about it all, maybe blame it on the grad school summer funk I'm in…  but I do have a few to share with you.   

 Brad, my brother-in-law, wake-boarding.  If I wasn't in the pool I was in the boat watching tubers, wake-boarders, or the like.   I wake-boarded last year and hurt for a week straight so this year this old lady laid low.

My other brother-in-law, Brandon, entertaining us on the knee board.  He is quite the little dare devil, last year we got him to attempt barefoot skiing. :) 

The hubs on the jet-ski. 

Even Brett's Grandma and Grandpa took the jet-ski for a spin.  

Like I said, we ate delicious food all weekend and naturally I had to bake some cookies to take along.  The other dish I made was a bigger hit but naturally I forgot to take a picture of them.  

The hubs and me lounging in the pool.  Thank goodness my mother in law took pictures or I wouldn't have a single one of us. 

The whole Haby family, posing for the Christmas card.  My father in law has his toes flexed like that because his nieces painted his toenails hot pink while he was sleeping. ;) 

Overall, lovely but exhausting weekend.  Being in the sun for extended periods of time always wear me out.   I went to bed at 8:00 last night to get my rest for the last exhausting full week of grad school.  Less than 10 days until I am done forever!

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