Thursday, July 28, 2011

Haby Baby ~ Part Two

 Today I bring you Haby Baby ~ Part 2 aka...


Of course I got pretty excited and didn't really believe what I was seeing so I pulled out the digital test I had been saving for exactly this moment.  btw those digital tests are way expensive!  It too, gave me the good news and I did the happy dance in the bathroom with Sako and literally jumped up and down for joy.  Brett wasn't home yet so I had to contain myself for at least an hour before I could tell him in person.  

When he did come home, he sat on the couch and turned on the T.V., common practice after a hard day's work. This is the look he gave me when I told him I had to show him something someone made me and could he pause the T.V.  As you can tell by his lovely expression, he wasn't too pleased with pausing. ;)

He was pretty excited, for a man who is still a little in shock that it finally happened, and proudly displayed the longhorn booties.  They now reside on our bedroom dresser as a daily reminder of God's blessing.  He also told me today that he wanted to be called "poppa", in an Italian accent of course, rather than "Daddy".  If you have never met my husband, he is quite the kidder and has some sort of response to everything that is bound to get a laugh out of someone. 

He poured us drinks to celebrate.  I got orange juice in my favorite wine glass :) 

Then we went shopping for things to tell the family in a fun way.   

My mom got a onesie that had her company's logo on the front and a laugh on the back (Brett's idea of course)

My brothers got Cowboys pacifiers. 

My Dad got a Tom Petty & the Heartbreakers onsesie (he established my love for that band when I was a toddler myself). 

                                                                          Brett's Dad got a kiddie fishing pole and his Mom a Pandora charm for her bracelet.  

Brett's littlest brother is a lifeguard so he got a baby float and sunscreen and his brother who lives in St. Louis with his wife got an Arch onesie in the mail. 

The most fun we had though was with Brett's grandma who has been wanting a great grandchild forever and had recently told me that she thinks we sleep in separate twin beds. :) We got her some honey buns from Haby's bakery in Castroville and took her some brunch.  She freaked out and easily won the award for best reaction!  I love Ma. :)

We had to wait until I was about 7 weeks to see the Dr. for the first time, but the little bity grain of rice sized baby we saw was worth the wait.  Brett was in awe and I was happy crying on the table.  Sorry for the graininess of the sonogram pics, they aren't exactly taken in high def and trying to take a pic of the pic without an awful glare is way harder than one might think.

Then we let parents and grandparents tell immediate family, told our bosses, and a few really close friends.  And the morning, rather all. day. long. morning sickness really kicked in... boo to that btw....thank goodness I got to deal with all that in the summer rather than during the school year...  But, chocolate milk seemed to be majorly delicious when I did have an appetite. Yummmmm!
We got to see the little one again at almost 10 weeks, now about the size of a still shelled peanut (think baseball games or elephants), hence why we loving referred to it as "the peanut" for several weeks. My mom went with me to this sonogram and loved watching the peanut move.  Apparently we have a wiggler on our hands. :)

We got to see the baby one more time at 13 weeks when I had a first trimester screening.  It was bopping up and down, touching it's face, kicking its feet, and waving hello.  At this point the kiddo measured 7.7cm but that is only from crown to rump, it doesn't include legs, so that's about the size of a rather large shrimp. I told one of my friends this and she lovingly named the baby "Nemo".  Brett's 6 year old cousin heard us calling the baby Nemo and said that if it comes out a baby she wants to hug it but if it is a fish she wants to keep it and put it in a fish tank. :) I love little kids!  I know these sonograms are hard to figure out, but the head is on the left, with a hand up by the face, the shoulders/belly in the middle and the little legs/feet in the top right.  Most precious thing I have ever seen, but I think I might be just a tad bit biased. ;)

Once we got all the results from that screening back telling us everything was normal and our little HabyBaby was healthy, we decided it was finally time to share the good news!  That brings us to this week, 14 weeks in. :) 

And here is a baby bump timeline for you lucky readers. 
4 weeks, still a flat tummy. :)                                      8 weeks (2 months)

 12 weeks (3 months)                                                      14 weeks 

We get to find out the gender the first week of September and I can't wait.  Brett and my mom are convinced it is a girl, but I don't have any feeling either way yet, so we shall see.

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