Monday, August 22, 2011

Kinder Round 4

Well friends, the marathon has begun. 

 Yes, I certainly consider the first day, week, even month in kindergarten a marathon.  You go, go, go nonstop constantly doing a million different things often all at the same time while taking in all the new kiddos and therefore personalities. Kinder is especially hard because so many of the sweeties have never been in school before or have never been in a structured environment with non-siblings so it takes a little adjusting.  But, once we get adjusted and "trained" as I like to phrase it, we are good to go. :) 

 So far so good, considering how overwhelming the first day is no matter how long you have been teaching or how fabulous your kiddos are. 

Did I accomplish everything I wanted with my kids today? No 

Did I learn all of their names and quite a bit about their little personalities and make them giggle like crazy with my awesome puppeteer skills via Chester Raccoon? You betcha

Did I stay at school until 5:30 making sure everything was perfect and ready to go for tomorrow? Yep

Did I not bring home a single school related thing and for the first time ever just come home with my purse to 2 excited dogs and a hubby already cooking a fabulous dinner? Totally

Did I get to eat a piece of the 3 layer homemade from scratch chocolate mouse cake my awesome Daddy made for me and the growing baby to enjoy after a long hard day? It was heaven!

Now I get to enjoy the fact that I also had enough energy to walk the dogs and clean the kitchen, and just enjoy watching the 2 hours Hell's Kitchen special while literally putting up my aching feet.  

Oh, and here are the adorable flowers my own sweet Mommy got for me to remind me that she loves me just as much as the parents love their kiddos that they are leaving with me for the first time. (Notice the primary colors and pencil details)  They made my day all day and brightened up my room and my heart.  

"Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards 
of God's grace in its various forms."  
~ 1 Peter 4:10

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