Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Sako gets a say

So tomorrow is the day…. 
we get to find out if our sweet Haby Baby is a boy or a girl

I still don't have an inkling either way, once I start leaning in one direction I wake up leaning the other way.  I decided to turn it into a fun math lesson where the kiddos made predictions and we made a graph to document to results.  Apparently they couldn't come to a consensus either since it was a tie! ;)  Aren't their pictures adorable?  Kinder kiddos are so cute! 

As for names, I think we are set if it's a girl. It's the same one we have liked from the get go and the only one that doesn't bring up an association to someone else.  (Being a teacher, you cross a bajillion names of the list before you even get pregnant.) As for the boy, we have a top two but can't figure out which one we like better.  We go to bed really liking one and then wake up liking the other.  So we decided to let Sako pick. 

We put the first letter of our top two on two brand new, never been chewed, rawhides. 

Then we mixed them up and Brett gave them a good toss across the living room, 

and let her decide. 

Too bad she is apparently just as indecisive as we are because she picked one, took it across the room and then came back and chose the other one and went back and forth between the two all night.  So, we are no closer to a decision than before. :(  

Tomorrow is the day and we will get to see our little miracle again.  I love sonograms, and as long as baby is healthy this is probably the last one we will have.  (This is the one where they measure everything, check all the organs and so on so prayers that everything is nice and healthy would be greatly appreciated)  We plan to meet up with our parents for dinner afterwards and then text close family and friends.  Both of us had long hard days today and are determined not to let it get the best of us tomorrow too and rather focus on enjoying the moment because it is a time we will never get again and really need to cherish.  

" I prayed for this child, 
and the Lord has granted me what I asked of him." 
 ~ 1 Samuel 1:27

we are so very blessed

Side note: If you noticed the ghetto box fan in the background, it is because our AC really did quit on us finally.  Thankfully we have an awesome AC guy who had out back and made sure we did not get taken for granted. Apparently your AC coil should not be rusted like this.  Thank goodness this part was still under warranty! So far things have been nice and cool in this scorching weather. :) 

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