Tuesday, February 21, 2012

One Month!

Tucker Thomas is one month old! 

Happy little guy!
One month old already!
One day you will fill up that chair son!
Here are a few tidbits I want Tucker to know about this precious time in his life.

- You weigh about 10 1/2  pounds.  

- You have outgrown all of your newborn clothes are are growing like a weed. It seems like you grow a few centimeters every night. 

- You are more and more alert every day and are developing your own little personality bit by bit. 
Beautiful baby boy.
- You are generally a happy baby again.  We went through a bit of a rough patch when transitioning you from breast milk to formula, and your poor little tummy was adjusting while we played detective trying to figure out the best way to keep you happy and healthy. 

- You definitely still cry, especially in the evenings.  You get grumpy and tired after a long day, as do most people.
Your crying face.  We have only seen tears a few times, usually it is just this face and the noise. ;) 
-Mommy loves your precious little feet.  One day she'll think they are smelly and gross, but right now she can't get enough of them. ;)
Sweet baby feet.
- You absolutely hate when we suction your nose to get the boogers out. Too bad you seem to have lots of boogers...

- When you sneeze, you always sneeze twice. 

- You currently enjoy tummy time for about a 10-15 minute stretch and are trying so hard to hold your own head up.  You are a very determined little guy. 
Tummy time!
- When you are eating you tend to place your hands on your belly like you are perfectly content.  Sometimes you interlock your fingers as though you are saying grace for your meal but I haven't caught that on camera just yet. 

- We call you our "hungry, hungry hippo" since you like to eat A LOT and take 4 - 5 ounces at every feeding! 

- You smack your lips after eating as if to say "Thanks! That was delicious!" :) 
Yummy in your tummy!
- When you are on your playmat, you love to kick your arms and flail your legs and make lots of happy baby noises.  
So alert!
- Speaking of noises, you are a VERY noisy little baby, even when you are asleep. 
(Hiccups, burps, farts, grunts, sighs, and a plethora of other sounds are always escaping you.)

- You have a very old man like receding hairline and baby acne.  We still think you are handsome. ;) 
Your balding head and baby acne.  Not too beautiful, but definitely part of your 1st month. 
- You love being read to and mommy swears you are trying to follow along and look at all the pictures.  Hopefully she's right and you were born with her passion for reading. ;)

-You like being outside for walks or trips to the park.

- You enjoy watching the pretend fish in your aquarium toy and the real fish in the tank in the kitchen.  Daddy is building a new stand for the real fish tank so we can let you enjoy them more often. 
Watching the fish!
-You started sleeping in your crib in your room!  We moved you because even though Daddy is deaf in one ear and can block things out, Mommy was waking up at every little noise you made and was getting very little sleep. 

- Once we get you down for the night you have been giving us a good 5-6 hour hunk before you are up for the next feeding.  This new trend started when we moved you to your crib in your own room and we pray it lasts, especially since mommy goes back to work on February 27th. 

- To put you to sleep at night we have to swaddle you, then rock you in the glider and gently jiggle your head at the same time.  You like to be on your side for this at first, and then when you start getting drowsy, we turn you onto your back and then take away the jiggling so it's not such a big change when we put you into the crib.  

- You sleep better when your sound sheep is on the ocean or rain sounds.  Hopefully this means you will enjoy the beach and the lake. ;) 
You already asked the pretty neighbor girl across the street to prom.
You know it is a tad early, but it might take her Daddy a little while to warm up to the idea. ;) 
- Sometimes you fuss for about 3-5 minutes when we put you in the swing or bouncer and then you relax and enjoy the motion. 

- You also tend to fight sleep like this too. Stubborn stinker already… 
Your birth announcements.

We love you so much son!  Every day is an adventure, but we welcome it and enjoy watching you change and grow!

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