Monday, January 23, 2012

He's Here!

Tucker Thomas Haby 
January 19, 2012 
1:44 am 
7 pounds, 11 ounces
20.75 inches 

We are so in love already!

So here is the quick rundown of little man's debut for you.

Me on Monday, January 16, 2012 @ 39 weeks. 
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
9:40 am - I feel a real contraction (aka not just the braxton hicks I had been getting like crazy but one that made me stop and focus through it a bit more) during a meeting that my teammates notice by my funny face.  I feel a few more throughout the day but they are not consistent, ranging from 45 minutes to an hour and a half apart. (turns out I was probably in early labor all day at school.)

3:30 pm - I have my doctor's appointment where I am still 90% effaced, and at a 1.5 dilation.  She says he is in perfect position, just needs a nudge to get labor going and get here and suggests we set up an induction for the next morning.  After a long conversation weighing the pros and cons with Brett, we decided to go for it.  She told us to enjoy our last night together as a family of two so that's exactly what we did.  We went to Academy so Brett could get some new waders for duck hunting/ flounder gigging (Go figure right ;) ) and then to dinner at Stone Werks which is easily my favorite restaurant.

7:45 pm - My water breaks as we are finishing up dinner.  I kid you not.  I looked at Brett and said "Babe, my water just broke"  to which he replied "no way, that's not funny you know", which led me to start crying from sheer embarrassment over the whole thing as I sat there and gushed all over the booth knowing I could do nothing to stop it.  He immediatley jumped up, went over to the waiter's stand and said "I need you to run this now, my wife's water just broke.  And.... you might not want to seat anyone in that booth..." The poor waiter had Brett sign and then gave us a holy cow did that really just happen "good luck" as we left the restaurant with Brett's jacket tied around my waist.  The much harder and much more consistent contracts kicked in right away.

9:45 pm - We had gone home to get our bags and let the dogs out and because my stubborn self wanted to "labor at home" a bit.  My doctor, birthing class instructor, friends, and tons of books I had read had said the majority of first time moms go through labor for 16-24 hours and I just figured I was for sure part of the norm.  Brett loaded everything up (the 3 pillows, two blankets, birthing ball, 2 bags, etc.) while I gathered a few last minute things.  After timing a few contractions and quickly realizing that they were 4 minutes apart and I was having a hard time talking through them, we got in the car and headed to the hospital.

10:30 pm- After getting all checked in, answering 5 million questions I could barely talk through and getting hooked up to all the monitors and IV's the nurse checks me and says I am 90% effaced and at a 3.  The on call Dr. told her to start pitocin at 4:00am if I had not progressed enough on my own by then and that he or my doctor would be check in on me in the morning.  The nurse gave Brett some blankets for the fold out couch and told him to rest up because we would be here awhile.  Little did she know that Tucker is apparently an overachiever in many areas and had no plans on taking his time getting here.  Brett was a fantastic labor coach and I could not have done it without him.  I remember thinking how lucky I was to be married to such an amazing guy and how he has been so wonderful to me in every situation and was THE reason I was strong enough to work through the contractions that started coming so fast and hard (1.5 - 2 minutes apart, lasting for around a minute) since there was pretty much no time to rest in between.  However, I again was very stubborn and told Brett that I did not want him to go get the nurse to check me because I didn't want her to say I was only at a 4 and be discouraged.  That is my only regret about the whole labor experience, I should have listened to Brett.  (duh, shouldn't I know that after 3.5 years of marriage/ 10 years together as a couple?) I would have gotten the epidural much sooner and not had to go through the most intense pain I have ever felt in my whole life, but oh well you live and you learn right? The Dr. said to just ask for the epidural at check in next time. ;)

Thursday, January 19, 2012
12:00 am - It got to the point where I was shaking uncontrollably from the pain and once I started getting sick, Brett called in the nurse who checked me and said I was at a 7, and that they were calling the on-call anesthesiologist now, but that I would basically have to make myself have less intense contractions until she got there or I would not be able to get an epidural since it was all happening so fast. The thought of not having one and trying to push on top of just surviving each contraction terrified me so when she took my face in her hands and basically forced me to remember to breathe hard with her, I did.  Poor Brett was starting to get freaked out by the amount of intense pain he was watching me go through and later said he thought it looked like someone in shock and just hurt inside knowing he couldn't do anything to really help me.

12:50 am - The anesthesiologist finally arrives and gets my epidural all set up (I'm at an 8 at this point).  After she hooked up the epidural out of sheer habit she said "Well, probably didn't need that, a spinal tap would have been plenty since you are so far along... oh well"  Once that kicked in I was a chatty Cathy and asking tons of questions/ enjoying the whole experience.  Brett and I both thought it was a way neater experience than we had anticipated and are glad the relaxation from the epidural allowed us to share and bond over it.

1:15 am - I am at a 10, just waiting for the Dr. to get there so the nurses don't have to catch him. The nurse has me do one small push just to see if I had good energy/ how stubborn he was going to be and when he moved really far with one measly push, she called everyone in to get ready in case he came before the doctor did.

1:30 am - The Dr. arrived and I started pushing.

1:44 am -  5 contractions and some really good, hard pushes later and Tucker made his debut! :)  That was the moment our lives changed forever and I will never forget it.

4:00 am - Brett and I are being moved into the post partum room while little man is still in the nursery dealing with a bit of fluid in his lungs. (no real big concern, but needing a little extra tlc for a bit than most) Brett looks at the clock and tells our nurse. "Well, I guess it's about time to start that pitocin." ;)

Hello world! 1:44 am!
Getting cleaned up.  
Getting weighed.  They rounded me up to 7 pounds, 11 ounces. 
First time in daddy's arms!
First picture with mommy. 
In the nursery getting measured. 
First family photo.
Flowers from Grandma & Grandpa Haby.
It's a Boy! bubblegum cigars and peppermint sticks.
Going home!
Brett and I have never been happier in our entire lives, and fall more in love with the little guy every day.  He seems very good natured so far and really only fusses if he is hungry or getting his diaper changed.  We are now learning how to function as a family of three and things are going really well and we have loved all this special bonding time together.  Brett went back to work today and was not happy about leaving us.  However, life must go on and Tucker and I seem to be getting into a good grove.   

Thank you Lord for our healthy, happy, and handsome son!

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