Friday, January 27, 2012

The first week

 Tucker is officially one week old.  

Hanging out with mommy! 
It has by far been one of the most blessed weeks of my life, where I just take it all in.  Sure there have been tears too, having a newborn and being first time parents isn't all roses, but I wouldn't trade these moments for anything.  At least five times a day I look at him and my heart fills with joy, my eyes with happy tears, and I am consumed by  the overwhelming feeling of the glory of God's graciousness.  I am so in love with my little family and am constantly saying little prayers of thanks. 

Here are a few notable things that happened in the first seven days of little man's life. 

- He had his first bath at home.  He's not such a fan yet, but who likes sponge baths??? 
Snuggled up before his bath. 
- He had his first doctor's visit.  His pediatrician is the same one I had when I was a child. How cool is that?  Everybody at the office is so very nice!  
Getting measured. 
Tucker and Dr. Hall.  He's the same as mommy remembers him!
Getting a checkup.
- He gave mommy over 7 hours total of sleep (when you combine the hunks between the feeding/diapering/glider sessions) on Tuesday night.  Not too shabby! He really only fusses if he is hungry and usually not even then because we have gotten good at reading his cues and get him fed before he gets mad. I sure hope he stays this good natured!  He loves being swaddled and we call him our little burrito boy! 
Sleepy burrito boy!
- He had his newborn photo shoot with Country Grace Photography.  (Yes I know I still need to post the maternity pics too… I have a newborn, cut me a break. ;) )  I am so mad at myself for forgetting to take pics of Sallie in action but hey newborns are HARD to work with and it totally takes both mommy and the photographer!  There were some way cute ones and the kid totally peed and pooped on lots of things including his giant name sign and my Pete the Cat children's book.  Here are two as a "sneak peak"! 
"For you created my innermost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  ~ Psalms 139: 13-14
Such a happy baby! 
- We experienced the "little boy peeing all over everything cause mommy forgot to cover that up and got our second bath" adventure.  Now mommy always has extra washcloths on hand to keep everyone dry.  

- He showed us that good little eaters make lots of big poops and if mommy is not nursing, we are probably changing a diaper or throwing in a load of baby laundry. 

- He has had lots of visitors, many of which have also brought us meals/ goodies to stock our pantry and fridge!  (Thank you so much to all of you who have brought things by, and helped out around the house,  you have no idea how much we appreciate everything.  And, thanks in advance to those helping out next week.  We are blessed with a thoughtful bunch of family, friends, coworkers, neighbors, and church members. 
Delicious meal from two awesome kinder teachers! 
My mom organized our tuber ware cabinet when she was over helping out the first few days! ;) She went to get a container to put leftovers away and one thing led to another while mommy was showering and Tucker swinging.
- He has covered mommy and daddy in spit up.  But, we are getting good at this nursing thing and mommy is no longer scared of the pump.  She had to get over that fast because it hurts to be Dolly Parton and have a kid that prefers to really go after one side and disregard the other completely at feedings. 

- He is getting used to the doggies and they are getting used to him.  Sako really could care less, but we are constantly working with her on being a little more relaxed around him…  Kirby seems to like him although she did show us she was mad about not being our main baby anymore by peeing in the house a few times.  I caught her in the act and swatted her good and now I'm pretty sure she is over it. 
Daddy making sure his babies all play nicely. 
Kirby checking little man out. 
- He gets the hiccups about 2-4 times a day, just as he did in my belly! 

- He made a quick trip to Half Priced Books with mommy to get some reading materials.  I am a reader and like to be as knowledgable about things as possible.  We plan to use bits of pieces of all the different advice as we develop as parents and learn what works for us as a family. 
I've got quite the stack to get through!
- He got a package in the mail from the UT football office!  Mack Brown sent us a whole bunch of goodies including a 2011 team picture, player cards, a personalized signed picture of Mack with the championship trophy, and a "scholarship offer".   Daddy's obsession with the orangebloods message board came in handy on this one! :)  We are definitely going to frame this stuff with his longhorn newborn picture! 
So exciting! 
Some of my goodies!  Thank you Daddy for getting Mack to hook Tucker up! 
Born a horn!!! 
We love and cherish every day with this little guy and we are looking forward to our family time this weekend! 

Oh, and to all those people who made me feel bad by telling me "You're so tiny, are you sure the baby is growing okay" when I was pregnant…. I am back down to my pre-pregnancy weight & fit into my favorite designer jeans again already.  Sure, I need to tone things up quite a bit, but for delivering a good sized healthy baby boy only a week ago I will take it!  ;) 

1 comment:

  1. He is very precious little boy! Glad you are getting into the swing of things! A friend of mine here in Arizona had a baby boy the same day as you and you are totally getting more sleep than her. I hope that can change when she has her family in town.

    Also congrats about getting down the weight. It's always a blessing to feel good about your body! My friend only has less than 10 lbs to go.
