Monday, January 2, 2012


Today marks 37 weeks on the dot.  
In the wonderful world of pregnancy that means that Tucker is considered "full term".   

Exhausted at 37 weeks after a long day at school
It's a lovely thing, especially since I never really thought I would make it this far.  I mean, I have had an overall fabulous pregnancy with no real complications or concerns, but for some silly reason, I really thought he would make an early debut.  Maybe this has to do with it taking a few months to get preggo/ having several friends deliver early, I don't know… So today is definitely a day for rejoicing at our house. :)

Here's the stats as of today

weeks preggo
 - 37

- January 23, 2012 (exactly 3 weeks away) Although, I have the date of January 13th on my mind.  I don't know why, but that number just seems to "feel" to me...

weight gain
- 18 pounds (4 of which have come on in the past 3 weeks!  I'm thinking it has to do with him dropping enough that I have room for food again finally, the newfound swelling, being too exhausted to walk as often, and the holidays happening all at once. ;)  My appetite had not been huge the first 8 months but I am definitely eating like a pregnant lady now!)

- Overall good.  
- Some days miserable, swollen, hurting, and humongous.  
- Other days just slightly uncomfortable and tired.

- Broiled grapefruit. 
- Corn dogs. (which I can't have because of the nitrates, BUT morningstar farms makes a DELICIOUS and healthy vegetarian version that is totally legit)
- Pizza dipped in ranch.

Dr. said at last appointment
-  I am definitely retaining water and swelling, but she is not going to worry about it unless my blood pressure goes up.  
- He is head down and will stay that way.  (I know exactly where all his body parts are at this point generally so it is fun to know what that bump poking out is when he moves.)  
- As of now, she would be surprised if he weighed over 7 pounds at birth.

- All birthing/ breastfeeding classes are done.  (I am so glad we took these btw!)  
- Maternity pictures are taken. (I haven't seen them yet, but the few I saw on the camera at the shoot were precious!  I can't wait to share them and brag on the awesomeness of Country Grace Photography in another post soon!)  
- The hospital bags are packed. 
- His nursery is all done and organized except for covering the arms of the glider, which would take me about 2 hours one night if I really focused on it.  
- Car seat bases are installed and leveled. 
- The camera and camcorder have empty SD cards and charged batteries.  
- The birthing ball, pillows, and boppy are all together and ready to be tossed in the car. 
- The long term sub plans are done overall, my OCD self just adds to them and preps a little extra each day.  
- I still need to actually type out the birth plan  (no biggie if it doesn't happen since Brett and I are in agreement on all the details) and I need to sew his car seat cover and wiener dog car seat blanket.

- My pre-pregnancy jeans.  I am not super fashionable by any means but I do love my designer jeans and miss them terribly.
- A nice glass of wine or Dos XX with salt and lime now and then.
- Eggs over easy.
- Getting up and down easily.  Brett had to help me at the grocery store when I got stuck on Sunday squatting down looking for something on the bottom shelf.
- Feeling pretty.  Pregnancy doesn't do much for the self esteem, now matter how "cute" or "tiny" people say you look. 
- Having enough energy to accomplish things, including walking down the hall without puttering out. 
- Being able to comfortably paint my toes, tie my shoes or pick something up off the floor. 

And… just for fun, here are some comparison pics for you. 

19 weeks with Sako
37 weeks with Sako 

We are ready to meet him whenever he decides he is ready to come! 


  1. This whole blog just made me smile! You are so prepared it makes me giggle. Maybe we are such good friends because we are such opposites on some things? YOU take every class possible and are completely packed and ready to go 3 weeks early! I never took a class or packed a bag and forgot the video camera at home.... :0) haha

    Also, side note. You forget to list Chicken Fried Steak!!!

  2. Sal, you make me giggle too. :) Love you! :)
    And you are right I did forget to mention the Chicken Fried Steak! Yummmmm
